Wednesday, June 24, 2009

It's T-Ball Time!

I LOVE T-Ball season! It's so funny to watch all the little kids learn how to play baseball! Lol, the little ones racing to get the ball && just the funny little things that happen! They are just too cute!

Kaleb has been so eager to start & he did SO good! He is really becoming a young boy instead of a little baby!
His team, The Wolves!!! Lots of good kids on his team!

I had a great time watching him play! He has gotten even better since last year!


  1. Yay! Tball! Isn't it so cute?? There was a little girl on Hailee's team that was like barely 3, and she would always hit the ball, and then run after it instead of running to 1st base. It was so funny. What day of the week are his games?

  2. He is such a grown up little man, I remember when he was a little tiny baby can't believe how quickly they grow.
